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F.B O Freshora Gel

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FB-O Freshora Gel is in trutyfruty flavoured gel that Fights Bacteriaresulting in Fresh Breath. There are over 170 different types of bacteria in the mouth. These can cause bad breath by producing Volatile Sulfur Compounds which smell foul - halitosis. Ornidazole, in FB-O Freshora Gel, is an antibiotic agent that works well against anaroebic bacteria and thus helps heal infections and reduce bad breath. The other active ingredient, Chlorhexidine, prevents the attachment of the bacteria to the tooth and as well as to each other. Thus preventing the formation of bacterial plaques in the mouth. It also acts as an anti-inflammatory agent, reducing the bleeding from diseased gums.

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Anti Inflammatory, Antibiotics And Antibacterials, Antiulcerants And Antacids, B Mine, Bulk Drug, Bulk Drug Mfgrs, Calene, Comprehensive Naturally Balanced Care, Dango, Dermatology, Drug, Drugs, Dulimus, Eveday, F. B O Freshora Gel, Farmulation, Formulation, Gumpen, Mouthwash Freshora, Mugel Freshora, Mutop, Pharma, Products, Research Labs, Scarnish, Senso Freshora, Sensorinse